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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


Axis of Resistances refers to countries and movements with common political goal, i.e., resisting against Zionist regime, America and other western powers. Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Palestine are considered as the Axis of Resistance.
Persian Gulf Cooperation Council

Persian Gulf Cooperation Council

A regional political u n i o n consisting of Arab states of the Persian Gulf, except for Iraq.


Taliban is a Sunni fundamentalist movement in Afghanistan. It was founded by Mohammed Omar in 1994.
  Wahhabism & Extremism

Wahhabism & Extremism

Wahhabism is an extremist pseudo-Sunni movement, which labels non-Wahhabi Muslims as apostates thus paving the way for their bloodshed.


Kurds are an ethnic group in the Middle East, mostly inhabiting a region, which spans adjacent parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. They are an Iranian people and speak the Kurdish languages, which form a subgroup of the Northwestern Iranian branch of Iranian languages.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.
Islamic Awakening

Islamic Awakening

Refers to a revival of the Islam throughout the world, that began in 1979 by Iranian Revolution that established an Islamic republic.


A militant Sunni organization founded by Osama bin Laden at some point between 1988 and 1989
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Map of  Latest Battlefield Developments in Syria and Iraq on
Quds Day this Year Epitomizes a Global Al-Quds Storm

Quds Day this Year Epitomizes a Global Al-Quds Storm

Sunday 14 April 2024
Western countries also participate in this march by raising Palestinian flags. The initiative of naming the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as the Quds Day was made by Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in 1980, and thanks to this wise foresight, after 45 years, th ...
Anti-Israeli Strike Augmented Iranian Popularity in Arab World: Expert

Anti-Israeli Strike Augmented Iranian Popularity in Arab World: Expert

Thursday 18 April 2024 ،
Western interests will be jeopardized, Mr Taghavi Nia said that the West certainly does not want full-scale war with Iran for a variety of reasons. Any conflict with Iran at any scale will mean absolutely losing access to the Persian Gulf oil. This is not a slogan, he said, adding that Iran by seizi ...
What are Outcomes of Iranian FM’s New York Visit?

What are Outcomes of Iranian FM’s New York Visit?

Monday 22 April 2024 ،
Western ones, claimed an attack on Isfahan in the center of Iran. FM Amir-Abdollahian countered this psychological warfare through his talks with the media in New York. Concerning the shooting down of four quadcoppters in Isfahan and claims of a missile attack, Amir-Abdollahian told NBC News that wh ...
Hamas’s Jabalia Operation Impacts Could Represent a Kill Shot to Netanyahu’s Hopes

Hamas’s Jabalia Operation Impacts Could Represent a Kill Shot to Netanyahu’s Hopes

Monday 27 May 2024 ،
Western backers wish, and despite carpet-destruction of Gaza, the Israeli army declined to make any palpable achievement on the ground. Not only did it not free the prisoners, but also as the time went by, Israel sank deeper into war swamp and sustained higher costs. This situation gradually caused ...
Assad’s Tehran Visit Sends Messages of Stronger Unity

Assad’s Tehran Visit Sends Messages of Stronger Unity

Sunday 2 June 2024 ،
Westerners and their henchmen in the region planned to overthrow the political system of this country and remove Syria from the equations of the region with the war they imposed on Syria, but they did not succeed, and now they plan to use other ways, including the promises they never fulfill, to dri ...
Iranian Acting FM’s Regional Tour Amid Biden’s Ceasefire Proposal

Iranian Acting FM’s Regional Tour Amid Biden’s Ceasefire Proposal

Wednesday 5 June 2024 ،
Western imperialism and Israeli occupation of Palestine. During this trip, the heads of the Palestinian groups present in Damascus had an important meeting with the Iranian FM on Tuesday to ponder ways to finalize the ceasefire in Gaza and consolidate the victory of the. This issue is important as ...
Is Tel Aviv Really Preparing for War with Hezbollah?

Is Tel Aviv Really Preparing for War with Hezbollah?

Saturday 8 June 2024 ،
Western supporters about the unpredictable costs that Hezbollah can impose on the occupied territories if it uses its entire advanced military arsenal.  The third issue is the fear of Israelis that opening a front with Hezbollah will trigger new fronts from other branches of the Axis of Resist ...
Hezbollah’s Undetected Surveillance Drone Flight Over Haifa Has Much to Say About Future War

Hezbollah’s Undetected Surveillance Drone Flight Over Haifa Has Much to Say About Future War

Saturday 22 June 2024 ،
Western sources estimated this number as 50,000 (30,000 active forces and 20,000 reservists). Sky News reported that Hezbollah has 100,000 missiles, but other sources stated that this number is between 150,000 and 200,000.  Therefore, with the accurate target bank Hezbollah has built over yea ...
Russia in Africa: What’s Moscow after in Sudan?

Russia in Africa: What’s Moscow after in Sudan?

Monday 1 July 2024 ،
Western media report that Russia, along with its negotiations with Sudan, had contacts with Eritrea to establish a base in this tiny African country, but it is unclear if the Sudanese base is a replacement for that in Eritrea or Moscow sought to establish a separate one. At the same time, what is ce ...
Central Asia, the Rampancy Ground of ISIS

Central Asia, the Rampancy Ground of ISIS

Monday 1 July 2024 ،
Western target. These developments indicate an alarming expansion of ISIS regional influence that is accompanied by extraordinary propaganda tactics on social media platforms for audience in Central Asia.  In 2022, the group launched its official media branches in Tajik and Uzbek languages ​​ ...




Ashura ceremony in holy Mashhad

Ashura ceremony in holy Mashhad